The most up-to-date house rules for the campaign are allocated here.
Mostly Dead, but Slightly Alive
When a PC has been reduced to 0 HP, they fall unconscious for the rest of the encounter. When the battle has ended, the other PCs check on their fallen comrade. Then, the player of the fallen character rolls a d20 and checks the results according to the bullet points below:
- 1-10: the PC is dead. Roll up a new character and come up with a reason why they're joining the party.
- 11-19: the PC is alive, but remains unconscious for 1d12 hours. Additionally, the PC suffers a Maiming Wound (see below).
- 20: 'tis but a scratch! The PC pops back up with 1HP and no serious injuries.
Maiming Wounds (inspired by Kevin Crawford's Atlas of the Latter Earth)
Upon suffering a Maiming Wound, roll on the table below to get the result.
- Eye Damage: -4 to ranged hit rolls
- Lose a hand: can still strap a shield to the arm
- Lamed: unarmoured movement speed is reduced as if the PC is wearing light armor [90'/30' if moving without treasure, 60'(20') if carrying treasure].
- Ugly scar: -1 penalty to all friendly social skill checks.
- Arm loss: the whole arm is gone.
- Leg loss: unarmoured movement speed is reduced as if the PC is wearing heavy armor [60'(20') if moving without treasure, 30'(10') if carrying treasure].
- Mostly deaf: can manage conversations, but no listening checks.
- Infected wound: lose two points of Constitution, permanently.
- Mental trauma: lose two points of Wisdom, permanently.
- Nerve damage: lose two points of Dexterity, permanently.
The Combat Encounter
- Each side rolls initiative. The PCs add the highest Dex modifier of whoever has the highest dexterity.
- GM checks morale
- Magic-users on both sides declare which spells they are planning to cast. As the round proceeds, it's assumed they are speaking the necessary incantations.
- Side 1 moves
- Side 1 makes ranged attacks
- Side 1 makes melee attacks
- Side 2 moves
- Side 2 makes ranged attacks
- Side 2 makes melee attacks
- Repeat step 1.