Saturday, November 19, 2022

Findings from Northmarch Keep

The expedition to Northmarch Keep went too well, if you ask me. The following notable items were recovered from the ruins after the party concluded committing war crimes:

Map Fragment


Log entry by Commander Tamara Vanova

15 September 647 A.R

We haven't heard from Stoneguard in nearly six months. I've sent Matyas and Lukas to make contact with the other posts, but they've been gone too long. Reports of goblins and giants in the northern parts of the region have me uneasy. Winter supplies are low - we've resorted to hunting mountain goats and pulling tubers from nearby streams. None of the provisions sent by Stoneguard have kept well in the dampness of these highlands."

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Findings from Northmarch Keep

The expedition to Northmarch Keep went too well, if you ask me. The following notable items were recovered from the ruins after the party c...